
Cocaine Penalties in Long Island

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Nancy L. Bartling, PLLC, LLC are all former prosecutors, and our firm is fully prepared to represent you on any type of drug crime related to cocaine. The courts in our area punish cocaine offenses harshly, and if you have been arrested it is vital that you take action now to avoid a conviction which could lead to prison, fines and a criminal record. An AV® rated Long Island drug crime attorney from our firm will meet with you for a confidential consultation, to discuss the situation and begin work on a strategy for your defense. With more than 50 years of experience, we know how to fight the charges you face.

Our background as state and federal prosecutors provides us with insight into the strategies used by the District Attorney in cocaine cases, and can often anticipate the course that the case is likely to take, as well as being able to pinpoint weaknesses in the evidence against you. Depending on the circumstances of the case, we may be able to have the charges dismissed by demonstrating that the police violated your rights in the course of the investigation, or it may be possible to exonerate you based on a lack of conclusive evidence. Even when avoiding a conviction is not an option , we can negotiate with the prosecutor to seek a reduced sentence.

Cocaine Possession & Distribution in Long Island

Cocaine is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance, on the grounds that it has an accepted medical use but is recognized as being highly addictive. It is often converted into crack in order to achieve a more concentrated dosage, but is commonly used in its powder form through snorting, injection, swallowing or as a suppository. The penalty imposed for a cocaine conviction depends on the quantity of drugs involved, as well as the specific offense, such as a simple possession charge or a possession with intent to distribute or trafficking, but can range up to a life sentence.